Cranberry Orange Cheesecake Bars


Cranberry Orange Cheesecake Bars

Recipe Description »

Cranberry Orange Cheesecake Bars with a wonderful scent, delicate, tasty, aromatic and wonderful texture – an unforgettable combination that is perfect for family tea drinking. Cook and delight your loved ones with a treat! Cranberries add a sour note, and the combination of crunchy dough and orange with delicate butter cream complements this cheesecake with a festive look.
Dessert with fruit aromas, sourness and glaze is very easy to prepare. The combination of a moist crust with citrus notes is ideal, they give freshness and a pleasant aroma. This dessert will be the perfect complement to your winter festive evening. Served with orange peel, fresh cranberries, which will pleasantly surprise all those with a sweet tooth. The recipe is soft, rich in hints of fruity taste and subtle cranberry astringency.

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