Honey Mustard Chicken Bacon + Avocado Salad

Honey Mustard Chicken Bacon + Avocado Salad

Recipe Description »

The combination of crispy bacon, ripe avocado and tomato extraordinarily tasty!This is my favorite salad, a favorite salad all my friends. Since I want you to please yourself, and prepare this wonderful dish, bringing you a pleasant relaxation and pleasure.This delicious salad, like all those who prefer light bezmayoneznye salads even for the holiday table.
It is possible to prepare – a beautiful, bright and appetizing it will be popular among the guests. A highlight of lettuce is the presence in the formulation of avocado.A delicious light salad with avocado
Tell your friends!The combination of juicy fresh vegetables with tender avocado harmonizes very well in this salad with crispy fried bacon and croutons. Beautiful serving in half an avocado salad gives original appearance.

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