Prepare lemon buddies is very simple and easy, you can purchase the necessary products anywhere.Aten instantly. Stored a few days and remain soft for a long time .Very tasty and easy to prepare lemon buddies – a great addition to tea drinking. These small soft pads literally conquered me. Lemon flavor of baking gives a special charm. If stay will be very difficult to try a little thing in the form of heat.
Very tasty, with a slight hint of citrus, melt in your mouth like lemon buddis both adults and children.
If you want something – something tasty and sweet, but a lot of the time you do not want to spend on pastries, you can cook these airy, soft and fragrant pillows.Beautiful dessert in the form of lemon buddies.Delicious, with a hint of citrus lemon pad will please both children and adults! Prepare very simple.Bon appetite!